
Facts About Fatty Liver

July 13, 2018 |

As our lifestyle in the past few decades has slipped further into the realm of processed foods and high fat eating, certain health disorders are becoming more common. One of these, NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or non-alcoholic steatohepatitis), is expected to become the next global epidemic. This is not a condition to be trifled…


FOOD ST★RS! Marvelous Mushrooms

July 6, 2018 |

Mushrooms are not plants at all. In the classification of organisms of the world they belong to the Kingdom of Fungi which also includes yeasts and molds. Fungi are organisms that live on alive or dead animals, plants or other fungi. Some fungi thrive in water; some float in the air. Mushrooms generally grow in…


Date Paste – A Healthy Sweetener

June 29, 2018 |

No matter what kind of diet we might be following we can all agree that eating excess sugar is not healthy. It is not only the fact that sugar has no nutritional value whatsoever but overconsumption of sugar is an independent risk factor for increased risk of cardiovascular disease including heart disease and strokes. The…


What To Do If You’re Losing Too Much Weight on a Plant-Based Diet

June 22, 2018 |

There is a swirling vortex of misinformation regarding diet and health floating around in the public consciousness. Do not allow yourself to be sucked into this whirlpool. If you’re eating in an unusual way, and eating a whole food plant-based diet would be classified by many as unusual to the extreme, it is sometimes hard…


Is Rice Part of a Healthy Diet?

June 15, 2018 |

In recent years, close examination of rice and rice products has exposed a dark side of this healthy grain. Most rice contains significant levels of arsenic, a toxic poison. This may sound shocking but arsenic is a natural part of our planet Earth, being present in the soil and water as well as in plants…


Promoting a healthy adventurous lifestyle powered by plants and the strength of scientific evidence.

My name is Debra Harley (BScPhm) and I welcome you to my retirement project, this website. Over the course of a life many lessons are learned, altering deeply-rooted ideas and creating new passions.