
Eating Paleo Part Two

August 17, 2018 |

Why it works…..temporarily at least A change in eating from the standard Western diet to a well-executed Paleo diet can be beneficial to health. After all, the Paleolithic Period did not have processed food, fried foods, dairy, isolated oils, sugar or salt, all of which are implicated in our modern health problems. In addition, the…


Rob’s Lentil Bean Burgers

August 10, 2018 |

ROB’S LENTIL BEAN BURGERS Burgers are such a handy food. Prepared beforehand, they make a quick no-nonsense lunch but work equally well as the main food at suppertime. Top with thin tomato and cucumber slices and rings of sweet onion along with a few leaves of baby kale or spinach to add extra flavour and…


Eating Paleo Part One

August 3, 2018 |

Introduction to the Paleo Diet The Paleo Diet roared into being with the appearance of a book by Loren Cordain published in 2002 called “The Paleo Diet”. Its menus appealed to North Americans whose taste buds were already finding satisfaction in high fat, high animal-protein foods and at a time when nutrition recommendations were pushing…


The Difference Between Whole Plant Foods and Processed Foods

July 27, 2018 |

Sometimes it seems difficult to understand how our food choices could have such a significant effect on our health.   Many people believe that as long as they provide their body with energy and protein along with some sources of nutrients that they are good to go.  It must be pointed out that the human body…


The Magic of Cashews

July 20, 2018 |

A recent blog talked about the possibility of losing too much weight on a plant-based diet.  Though this might seem like a dream come true, for some it is a worry for themselves and also for their family and friends.  Here are a couple of delicious recipes that are somewhat higher in calorie density than…


Promoting a healthy adventurous lifestyle powered by plants and the strength of scientific evidence.

My name is Debra Harley (BScPhm) and I welcome you to my retirement project, this website. Over the course of a life many lessons are learned, altering deeply-rooted ideas and creating new passions.