
What Does Eating Plants Do For Type-2 Diabetes? Part Two

August 11, 2017 |

Sugar has long been accused of causing diabetes. However if you have read the first part of this article on diabetes, one idea should be emerging out of the rather murky swamp of conflicting information. This is that sugar (and by extension, carbohydrates) are not the culprits when it comes to developing diabetes. Saturated fats,…


What Does Eating Plants Do For Type-2 Diabetes? Part One

August 4, 2017 |

Diabetes affected 3.4 million (9.3%) of Canadians in 2015 while prediabetes (increased blood sugar levels not yet high enough to be called “diabetes”) affected 5.7 million (22%) of Canadians. It is expected that by 2025 the incidence of diabetes will increase by 44%. The impact of diabetes is enormous. It is the cause of a…


Adjusting To the Plant-Based Way of Life

July 28, 2017 |

The big question is – should I ease into a plant-based diet or just jump in with both feet? The answer to this question really depends on you. Are you the type of person who only drinks alcohol when at a social occasion or only eats desserts when offered by someone else? Do you need…


Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet – Part Three

July 14, 2017 |

Now, last but certainly not least, the final installment of why you might want to consider changing to a plant-based way of life. Encourage a healthy microbiome Our microbiome is now being thought of as ”the forgotten organ” due to its major role in the health of our bodies. In essence, our microbiome is made…


Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet – Part Two

July 7, 2017 |

Continuing on in the same vein as in Part One, here are some more startling benefits of adopting a plant-based way of life.   Lower the risk of cancer and slow the progression of certain types of cancer The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) states “It’s never too late to lower your risk”.  A…


Promoting a healthy adventurous lifestyle powered by plants and the strength of scientific evidence.

My name is Debra Harley (BScPhm) and I welcome you to my retirement project, this website. Over the course of a life many lessons are learned, altering deeply-rooted ideas and creating new passions.