Cardiovascular Conditions

Understanding Your Lipid Test Results Part Two

September 28, 2018 |

HDL Any change in diet inevitably affects our body chemistry. Many people make the change to a plant-based diet expressly to improve their blood lipid levels and indeed, LDL-cholesterol is usually greatly reduced by this alteration in food intake. However, some other aspects of blood lipids may change in ways that may at first glance…


Understanding Your Lipid Test Results Part One

September 21, 2018 |

Triglycerides A change to a plant-based diet affects not only food choices but also body biochemistry. Often this switch is made to gain healthier blood lipid levels and we can rejoice when our cholesterol levels diminish, knowing that this result means that our potential of suffering a cardiovascular event such as atherosclerosis will decrease. But…


Boosting Artery Health

August 24, 2018 |

The problem with the way most people eat in today’s fast-paced modern world is that most of our life is spent in what is known as a “post-prandial” state. In other words, because we are fortunate enough to be able to eat three “square” meals every day we exist always in an “after-meal” condition. This…


Does Your Waist Measure More Than Half Your Height?

May 18, 2018 |

Sadly obesity is becoming the new norm in our societies with three out of five Canadians presently overweight (3). Between 62% and 75% of the world’s population now carry body fat levels that will impair their health and the number of obese people worldwide exceeds those who are underweight for the first time in human…


Is a Stent the Easy Answer?

May 4, 2018 |

It is an all too common scenario. The passing years take their toll. Aging bodies change. They slow down. They are not as comfortable as they once were. Artery walls become the hosts for insidious deposits of cholesterol and other fats that create lesions called atherosclerotic plaques. A niggling ache in the chest intensifies; a…


Promoting a healthy adventurous lifestyle powered by plants and the strength of scientific evidence.

My name is Debra Harley (BScPhm) and I welcome you to my retirement project, this website. Over the course of a life many lessons are learned, altering deeply-rooted ideas and creating new passions.