Cardiovascular Conditions

Is Olive Oil an Indispensable Part of a Mediterranean Diet?

August 30, 2024 |

Plant-based diets, including the Mediterranean diet, are leading the pack in the popularity of healthy diets.  There is, however, continuing debate about which aspects of a Mediterranean diet are the most important.  Is it the olive oil that is mainly responsible for the heart health benefits of the Mediterranean diet for health?   ABOUT HEALTH…


Twenty Years of Studies Confirm the Power of Eating Plants

June 7, 2024 |

A comprehensive review of meta-analyses that were published between 2000 and 2023 was released in May 2024.  It evaluated the impact of vegan and vegetarian diets on the risk factors associated with the development of cardiometabolic diseases and cancer in adults, children and pregnant women.  (1) This review was a joint undertaking between researchers from…


What Happens When One Twin Goes Vegan and the Other One Keeps Eating Meat?

March 29, 2024 |

In November 2023 an interesting study from Stanford University selected pairs of twins to test the health effects of different types of food.  This was a randomized controlled trial encompassing 22 pairs of healthy identical twins 18 years of age or older (44 participants) who had signed up in the Stanford Twin Registry database in…


Holiday Hacks and Hints Part Three: Food Coma – Is It Real?

December 22, 2023 |

Imagine you’ve just finished enjoying a large meal such as a traditional holiday meal, say at Christmas, Thanksgiving or Easter.  You get up from the table and then quickly find yourself a comfortable place to relax…because all you want to do is rest and maybe even take a good nap.  This is the state of…


Holiday Hacks and Hints Part Two: A Plant-Based Holiday Dinner

December 15, 2023 |

The December holiday season is rolling quickly towards us and with it come festivities with family and friends and the inevitable foods of celebration.  Unhappily, the traditional foods we prepare at this time of year are not usually at the top of the healthy check list. Whatever holiday you may be celebrating, the centerpiece of…


Promoting a healthy adventurous lifestyle powered by plants and the strength of scientific evidence.

My name is Debra Harley (BScPhm) and I welcome you to my retirement project, this website. Over the course of a life many lessons are learned, altering deeply-rooted ideas and creating new passions.