Plant-Based Lifestyle

The PURE Study: Breakthrough or Breakdown?

December 29, 2017 |

At the end of August this year (2017), the results of an observational study called the PURE Study (Perspective Urban Rural Epidemiological) were published in a medical journal called The Lancet (1).  You may have heard talk about the study on the radio or noticed headlines declaring that high carbohydrate diets lead to decreased longevity. …


What Does Eating Plants Do For Cancer? Part Three

December 22, 2017 |

More Possible Dietary Causes of Cancer Now, in continuation of the last blog, “What Does Eating Plants Do For Cancer? Part Two”, we’ll look at more links of diet with cancer. HCAs (Heterocyclic amines) Heterocyclic amines occur when muscle meat (chicken, beef, pork and fish) is cooked over high temperatures such as those found when…


What Does Eating Plants Do For Cancer? Part Two

December 15, 2017 |

Possible Dietary Causes of Cancer In “What Does Eating Plants Do For Cancer? Part One” evidence for the positive correlation of the foods we eat with cancer was presented. The question that comes to mind is what mechanisms are driving this effect. Why is food so powerful both as a promotor of cancer and as…


Moderation In All Things

December 8, 2017 |

“Moderation in all things….” This memorable phrase has been quoted for centuries as a motto to live by. The sentiment is reputed to stem from the Greek poet Hesiod in the 7th century BC when he said “Observe due measure, moderation is the best in all things”. Roman politician, Marcus Tullius Cicero, around 60 BC,…


What Does Eating Plants Do For Cancer? Part One

December 1, 2017 |

The thought of being diagnosed with cancer is terrifying. We all have members of our families and friends that have dealt with or are dealing with this dreaded disease. Some people beat it and go on to live a long life but others, sadly, pass on much too early. Research into the causes of cancer…


Promoting a healthy adventurous lifestyle powered by plants and the strength of scientific evidence.

My name is Debra Harley (BScPhm) and I welcome you to my retirement project, this website. Over the course of a life many lessons are learned, altering deeply-rooted ideas and creating new passions.