
Why Is Eating Meat So Damaging to Human Health? Part Two

November 23, 2018 |

Acquired Hazards of Meat This article continues on from Part One. Part Two looks at problems with meat that are not inherent in the meat itself but get attached to it during the life of the animal or in the processing of the meat. By their very natures, some of these problems can be minimized…


Why Is Eating Meat So Damaging to Human Health? Part One

November 16, 2018 |

 Hazards Inherent in Meat Itself If you are a sometime reader of this blog you will be familiar with some of the perils of eating meat. Scientific evidence shows that meat consumption increases risks for diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some cancers as well as shortens the lifespan. The question is, what is lurking in meat…


The Unhealthy Truth About Eating Eggs

November 9, 2018 |

Spoiler Alert…..If you eat eggs, you are increasing your risk of heart disease. This statement may catch you off guard due to the extraordinary amount of hype in the media and on the internet about how eggs have no effect on your cholesterol level nor do they lead to increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In…


Is Eating Gluten-Free a Key to Better Health?

November 2, 2018 |

Significant numbers of people are now eating gluten-free in spite of the fact that they have no medical reason to do so. This trend is being driven by media coverage, aggressive marketing, celebrity testimonials and internet reports touting the clinical benefits of avoiding gluten. As a result, many individuals believe that gluten is harmful and…


Is Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Real?

October 26, 2018 |

The term Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) first arose in 1978 when a patient with persistent gastrointestinal symptoms, in whom celiac disease and wheat allergy had been ruled out, achieved symptom relief after gluten was removed from her diet (1). A small study on eight female patients published two years later found that chronic diarrhea resolved…


Promoting a healthy adventurous lifestyle powered by plants and the strength of scientific evidence.

My name is Debra Harley (BScPhm) and I welcome you to my retirement project, this website. Over the course of a life many lessons are learned, altering deeply-rooted ideas and creating new passions.